Ultimate GI Repair

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A SYNERGISTIC combination of powerful peptides BPC-157, KPV, Larazotide Acetate,
and Naturals Zinc L-Caronsine, Quercetin (As EMIQ and Anhydrous), Tributyrin and Copper citrate to create THE most POWERFUL Gastro-Intestinal healing product on the market!

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The most powerful gastrointestinal tract healing product in the world!

Combining 4 orally active peptides; BPC-157 (as Arginine salt), Larazotide AT1001 (as Sodium and S-Phenyl-Acetyl), KPV Tripeptide and GHK-Cu.

Combined with powerful gut healing naturals, Zinc L-Carnosine, Quercetin (EMIQ for increased absorption), Tributyrin (the best, most bioavailable form of butyrate) and Sodium Bicarbonate (stomach acidity buffer to increase peptide absorption).

There is no denying that Ultimate GI Repair is on the pricier end.

This is due to the compounds used within Ultimate GI Repair and their difficulty of sourcing and manufacturing.

We do hope however to reduce the price as the compounds become more readily available in the future.That being said even though the price is much higher than many other gut healing supplements it is not something people need to take long term.In fact most people need it for only 1 – 2 months at most to see noticeable results.Which makes it a lot more cost effective in the long run instead of taking a supplements for 12 months or even years.

Our customers typically see results within 1 month of taking the product.

Ultimate GI has been created to help speed up the process of healing.

It is not something that was intended or needs to be taken long term.

We recommend customers cycle the product by taking it for 1 month and if they still haven’t seen noticeable improvements an additional month and then breaking from it before cycling it again as needed.

Take one capsule twice daily away from food or as directed by health professional. (and not with enzyme supplements)

Note: High dose zinc may cause stomach upset, nausea or vomiting for some people when taken away from food. If this happens take with food (carbs or fats best; taking with protein less ideal)


A SYNERGISTIC combination of powerful peptides BPC-157, KPV, Larazotide Acetate,
and Naturals Zinc L-Caronsine, Quercetin (As EMIQ and Anhydrous), Tributyrin and Copper citrate to create THE most POWERFUL Gastro-Intestinal healing product on the market!  

Each bottle contains 60 capsules; 30 serves. 

Legal Disclaimer:*This product is intended for research purposes only. All productinformation available on the website is for educational purposes only.Bodily introduction of any kind into humans is done at the person’s ownrisk, and LVLUP Health assumes no responsibility for health outcomes,good or bad that may result from ingestion or use. Use should besupervised by a qualified healthcare professional.




– As highly absorbable form BPC157-Arginine
– Enhances injury and wound recovery

– Heals the Gastro-Intestinal (GI) tract

– Stimulates blood vessel formation (angiogenesis)

– Upregulates Growth Hormone Receptors

– Enhances collagen production and formation

– Anti-Inflammatory

– Cytoprotective

-Modulates Nitric Oxide (NO)

– Reduces Neuroinflammation

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– AT1001

– Zonulin Antagonist

– Decreases intestinal permeability.

– Prevents Tight Junction breakdown/disassembly

– The “Anti-Coeliac” peptide

– May reduce food sensitivity

– Immune modulating

– Reduces Neuroinflammation

*Mechanisms are based on preliminary study interpretations only.
Research and clinical trials are still being performed on this peptide.

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- Aids in healing of injuries and wounds

- Potent Anti-Inflammatory

- Heal and enhance overall gut health

- Reduce pro-inflammatory cytokines

- Enhances collagen production and formation

- Improves skin health

- Strengthens Immune System

- Anti Microbial

- Cytoprotective

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– Best form of supplemental butyrate
– Increases mucus production
– Accelerates gastrointestinal wound healing
– Fuel source for the epithelium
– Maintains gastric mucosal barrier integrity.
– Reduces intestinal hyper-permeability
– Cytoprotective
– Stabilises mast cells (Antihistamine)

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Zinc L-Carnosine

– Anti- inflammatory/ Antioxidant
– Accelerates gastrointestinal wound healing
– Anti-Ulcer
– Stimulate mucus production
– Maintains gastric mucosal barrier integrity.
– Reduces intestinal hyper-permeability
– Cytoprotective
– Stabilises mast cells (Antihistamine)

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Quercetin (2 forms)

1) EMIQ (highly bioavailable systemic form)
2) Quercetin anhydrous (low absorption for local for GI effect)
–May help with Allergies and histamine

– Blocks mast cells degranulation (Antihistamine)

– “Seals” the tight junction GI barrier

– Anti-Inflammatory/ Anti- Oxidant

– Cytoprotective

– May support heart health

– Immune Modulating

– Hepatoprotective (helps the liver)

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– Copper Citrate (For Zinc Copper ratio balancing); GI Repair contains a very high dose of Zinc, which needs to be balanced out by copper if used for a prolonged period of time.


– Sodium Bicarbonate (Acid buffer for increased peptide absorption)

-Bicarbonate buffers pepsinogen to pepsin conversion which needs low pH (high acidity) to occur.

5 Reviews Write a Review

  • 5

    Posted by Tyler A. on

    GI Repair

    Great product

  • 5

    Posted by Cassy A. on

    Ultimate GI Repair

    Ultimate GI Repair I really wanted to love this product, but unfortunately, it didn't love me back. Despite taking it with food, it caused nausea and vomiting, which I believe is linked to my Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). Because of these side effects, I tried to significantly reduce the dosage but had to cease using it altogether. Given these challenges, I'm planning to try KPV on its own instead. Item type: au

  • 5

    Posted by Don S. on

    Ultimate GI Repair

    I have been taking this product for over a month and most of the pain and inflammation in my microbiome is completely gone. This is an amazing blend of peptides and gut-healing ingredients. Highly recommend it to anyone with pain or inflammation in their colon. I even gained 3 pounds of muscle while taking it. This product is top-notch! Thank you

  • 5

    Posted by Martin A. on

    Ultimate GI Repair

    The trio of Ultimate GI Repair, Tributryn and, Akkermansia put an end to 2 1/2 years of diarrhea from lymphocytic colitis that standard antibiotics, Xifaxin, and budesonide under the care of a gastroenteritis failed to resolve. I continue to use the Tributryn and Akkermansia to hopefully keep the colitis from recurring. Only needed the peptides in Ultimate for a single course. I remain grateful and amazed as I almost believed that I might live with the diarrhea continuously. I’m symptom free for 3 months now.

  • 5

    Posted by Sarah A. on

    GI Repair

    I used one month's bottle of GI-Repair followed by a month of the BPC-157 and in the end ended up needing to reduce my thyroid medication dose from the benefits!